Kai Diefenbach wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2010-06-17 11:51:13 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg said:
>> Back to your proposal: In your particular case, I don't see
>> how the proposal would have helped you - under the proposal,
>> the package would have been removed from the PyPI index,
>> so either way, there would have been no working automatic
>> access to the package download links.
> Why?
> Crap without source code distribution will never be published so no one
> can ever build a dependency on that.
> AJ: "packages once released should be available at any time from a
> well-known location (PyPI)"
> Problem solved.

Please have a look at the package in question. The only problem
with it is that the download URL registered on PyPI no longer works.
It redirects to the download page where you can find the source

Not much or a problem for a user searching for the archives.

Only a problem for setuptools and zc.buildout that don't ship
with enough AI to figure out :-)

To get back to your argument:

Crap *with* source code distribution would still get published,
so people would still build dependencies on it.

How does this solve the problem ?

Note that Andreas wasn't talking about crappy software, he
was only complaining about the fact that automatic downloads
via setuptools sometimes don't work for some packages on PyPI.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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