"Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> 1/ The obsolete field could be used to say "this is the new version of
>> X", like "the name of the project has changed". So the new version
>> obsoletes the old one. Using this field, I think that the installers
>> should remove the old releases (by prompting the user).


The installer should only take such action for new versions
of the same package, not for packages that declare themselves
replacements for others.

In general, I think the two fields "obsoletes" and "conflicts" should
only be used in an informational way. I'm not even sure whether it's
a good idea to add them at all, due to the possibly negative effect of
having package owners abuse these fields to push their particular
variant of providing a solution to an application space.

> In case of "obsoletes", it _should_ also be possible to install both
> of them simultaneously. Maybe some other other distribution depends
> on the original one, and can't work with the new one.


The same is true for conflicting packages: even if packages A and D
conflict, one application may use the package combination A,B,C
while another may be using D,E,F - both without any conflicts.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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