"Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> So you are fine with publishing "slightly incorrect" metadata at PyPI
>> ? I am not.
> I really have no intuition for in how many cases the data will be
> incorrect. However, if users find that the data is incorrect for
> specific package, they ought to complain to the maintainer.
>> I don't understand the rational behind providing flawed data at PyPI.
>> I am -1 on that.
> -1 sounds much better than vetoing it :-) Taking the votes together,
> I currently arrive at
> Tarek -1
> Michael -1 (?)
> Jannis -1 (?)

> Jim +1
> Thomas +1
> Any other opinions?

-1 as well. The formats and file-names are just a complete mess and
not all packages on PyPI are available as eggs or compatible to

I think the information from PEP 345 which is already made
available via the XML-RPC .release_data() interface is sufficient
for most cases. In those cases where it is not, we should extend the
meta data.


It may be worthwhile providing the same sort of information as static
PKG-INFO file alongside the /simple index entries as well (e.g.
via a link on the package page), to make it possible to extract
the meta information without having to use the RPC mechanism
and making use of the mirror infrastructure.


PS: Could you put your DZUG talk up online somewhere. It includes
some very valuable information on the various available APIs that
is difficult to find elswhere.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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