"Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
>> IMHO, most of this has been resolved by means of the XML-RPC
>> interface via the .release_data() method:
>> http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyPiXmlRpc
>> If there's something missing, we should add it there.
> Very clearly, most of egg-info is missing there. However, I
> sense that people are very opposed to adding it there.
> I merely asked whether it was ok to expose the egg-info
> data at all, and was met with strong opposition - nobody
> actually asked what specific API to expose them I had in
> mind.

Well, "most" depends on what you view as really important

Here's an example EGG-INFO dir:


 This file lists extra links to search for dependencies. This could
 be added to the meta-data.


 This is not really needed, since I think we all agree that
 keeping eggs zipped up when installing them is not a good idea.




 This is basically what we already have in .release_data().


 I don't know the purpose of this file. It's a manifest of
 source files. The setuptools docs say it's not used anywhere.


 This file just lists the top-level package names made available
 by the package. We could add a meta-data field for this
 information or use the "Provides:" field for it.


 This file lists the namespace packages used by the package. We
 could add a meta-data field for this or just use the "Requires:"
 field for it.

>> Additionally, it would make sense to have this data around
>> as static file for the PyPI mirrors to pick up.
> That's how I would have implemented it. Alas, this very
> idea was just shot down.

I think most of the response was targeted at the EGG-INFO
meta-data format, not the information itself.

If you look at the above mess of upper- and lower-case filenames,
files which only serve as marker and others having actual
content, different content types, etc. I think it's clear
that using this particular format is not a good idea.

We can do better :-)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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