Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 3:36 AM, Brian Jones <bkjo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ...
>>> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/catalog-sig/2010-September/003301.html
>> I'm not positive we're on the same page. You seem to be talking about adding
>> some specific new data in a specific way to the index, and *then* making it
>> available. I'm talking about making the *current* data available to programs
>> the same way it's available via a web interface. It seems your ideas were
>> shot down because "it's coming", if I read it right. I myself am kind of
>> confused about that, because my understanding is also that "it's coming" in
>> the form of a tool that can only be used for Python 3 packages :/
> No, the tool will be usable by python2 packages as well.
> I don't want to do that thread again but basically, egg_info are
> platform-specific, whereas the new metadata version (PEP 345) will
> have them right. PyPI already supports PEP 345.

Does that mean that the XML-RPC interface .release_data(package_name, version)
(see http://wiki.python.org/moin/PyPiXmlRpc for details)
already returns the full set of PEP 345 meta data ?

I don't really see any problem with adding those new fields to the
.search() API, but perhaps I'm missing something.

The discussion Martin mentioned was about egg-infos files or
directories. It doesn't seem to relate to searching for meta
data, since - as you say - egg-info is meta data for egg files
that is individual build files, not releases.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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