Daniel Greenfeld wrote:
> Here is something that we all might find useful.
> When Python Packages launches it will be hitting the XMLRPC server
> over 10,000 times a day - at least once per listed package. Django
> Packages already hits PyPI about 3000 times a day. We'll be doing this
> in a distributed task queu but the fact remains that the server is
> going to be hit a decent amount.

Is that really necessary ?

PyPI has a mechanism to subscribe to recent changes only,
which should be enough for the needs of the sites you mention.

> Because of the relative ease of setting up the Packaginator tool these
> sites are building other people will also be using this same API. Or
> maybe they'll build their own system and do even more.
> So maybe dedicated mirrors that truncate the web UI and just provide
> the web service API?

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