Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior wrote:
> On 6/28/06, Hugh Lampert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Err, yes... gcc... seems to be a bit of a problem.  Hate to impose on
>> the members of the list, but can anyone point me in the direction of a
>> good  win32 binary GCC package that doesn't require Cygwin or other
>> "environments"?  the CPAN module was kind enough to download and install
>> NMAKE from Microsoft itself (that  was nice), when I upgraded it.
> Although it's somewhat like killing a mosquito using a shotgun, I
> usually install the Dev-Cpp open-source IDE for Windows. It already
> comes with everything you need to self-compile your modules
> (GCC/MinGW, etc) and works out-of-the-box. It's not a big download
> (8mb I think) so it's something pretty reasonable.
OK, don't mean to sound like a whiner here, and I haven't spent any time 
investigating the  various GCC packages, but it's making me laugh that 
it's been suggested I download a C++ development package just so I can 
get my perl modules to install.  There's  a couple of nice modules for 
SQLite that include the SQLite executable.... maybe it's wishful 
thinking but it sure would be nice if there was a GCC module that 
included a binary GCC and any required libraries and headers.

I know... I'm supposed to do that all myself, and I guess I will, but 
for now I just don't have time.

I mean I only want to finish my small app. My boss is going to split his 
gut when I tell him first I need to download a C++ dev package so I can 
install the application framework that actually is written in perl.  
Looks like I'll be sticking to whatever Catalyst modules are available 
in PPM form for now. Not because I'm afraid of installing GCC, but 
because I can't imagine altering the roll-out environment to the point 
of installing UNIX emulation layers or C++ development packages just to 
put this app into production.

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