On Mon, Oct 16, 2006 at 10:35:39PM +0100, Matt S Trout wrote:
> SVN: http://code2.0beta.co.uk/reaction/svn
> IRC: #reaction
> Docs: not yet, really
> Patches: welcome


and thanks for making all these wonderfull things :-)

Apologies in advance for my inevitable dumb questions, much of this 
code is presently beyond me.

Is this the AutoCRUD you referred to earlier?

I'm after a crud system where the schema is editable (ideally as 
part of the system, but in any case the system should take it in 
it's stride). Schema::Loader goes most of the way to this, and having 
played with Enzyme and InstantCRUD I put together a controller class
using chained that took me to that goal, albeit clumsily. simply using
chained, as best as I could understand it, I figured that my attempts
were not really going to get me where I wanted to go. So it is 
entertaining to see chained used by the maker of the magic :-)

to restate, I want to do the same thing for M,V and C in crud, and
what I want to do is have a default that applies when nothing else
is written, use the code when there is code, and apply a configuration
over the top of that. and to be to some degree dynamic in the face of
schema changes, ideally at runtime, but I'm not deeply bothered how 
hackish that gets for a first cut.

So, pointers to where this thing already is are very welcome :-)

nevertheless, I'd like to do this with Catalyst unless there's a
good reason not to (and in the long run I want to do more than just 
db stuff).

The thing I'm looking for is so minimal that I'm almost certain I've
missed it in the examples :-)

as an aside, I had a go at adding a table (thanks for the tip about
SQL::Translator btw, never would have got there otherwise), and I
guess I need to have file analagous to t/lib/RTest/TestDB/Foo.pm
or arrange equivalent plumbing, but anyway in the absence of that 
I see

  undef error - Can't call method "search" on an undefined value at 
line 77.

in case it helps.

and thanks for listening :-)

Perl 6 will give you the big knob. -- Larry Wall

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