I'm pleased to announce that a new bugfix release of DBIx::Class is on its way 
to CPAN. Until it's indexed, you can grab the tarball at:


This release contains the following changes from 0.07002:

       - fix for rt.cpan.org #22740 (use $^X instead of hardcoded "perl")
       - Tweaks to resultset to allow inflate_result to return an array
       - Fix UTF8Columns to work under Perl <= 5.8.0
       - Fix up new_result in ResultSet to avoid alias-related bugs
       - Made new/update/find handle 'single' rel accessor correctly
       - Fix NoBindVars to be safer and handle non-true bind values
       - Don't blow up if columns_info_for returns useless results
       - Documentation updates


-Brian Cassidy

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