On Fri, Feb 09, 2007 at 10:40:39AM +0100, Cédric Bouvier wrote:
> So I'd need to install one Catalyst app that can be reached either as
> /myapp, /myapp/A or /myapp/B. And it should somehow "know" through which
> path it has been accessed (because it's behaviour will be slightly
> different whether it's A or B).

Do you mean that a both front end requests, /myapp/A and /myapp/B, both
request just /myapp/ on the back end server?

I assume so because otherwise you have the pat to test.

If so, that's similar to the problem with SSL where the front end
server proxies the same path to the backend.  How does the backend
know to make a http or https url with uri_for()?

What I do is have the Cat application listen on different ports so the
Cat application knows if it was an ssl request based on the port the
request comes in on.

Bill Moseley

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