On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 06:35:31PM +0200, Daniel McBrearty wrote:
> hate to admit it, but perl took a hammering in terms of the
> completeness of solutions thing, maybe the most important metric. see
> the charts on page 13.

SOAP slowed 'em down, it seems.

I only scanned the report, but lots of interesting bits in there.
The two PHP teams used the same framework (and not sure about the
third, but perhaps similar), where the Perl and Java teams had a wider
range of frameworks.  Might explain why the PHP teams had seemingly
similar results.

I found it odd that the Perl frameworks had the SQL injection
problems.  Most probably expected PHP to be weak there -- just
goes to show how much bad PHP everyone is used to seeing.

Overall, seems like a lot of mixed results -- too much variability
to draw any concrete conclusions.  Not that that will stop the camps
from using the report to support their claims of superiority. ;)

Bill Moseley

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