On Mon, Jul 02, 2007 at 07:46:41PM +0100, Richard Jones wrote:
> >
> >Which ends up setting the request base, which is used in uri_for.
> $c->log->info( Dumper $c->request->header( 'X-Forwarded-Host' ) ) in a
> controller dumps an empty string. Is this correct?

No.  I just started my app with front end listening on port 85 and the
back end on 10085 -- I have a startup script that add 10,000 to the port
number for the back-end by default. ;)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo netstat -ltp | grep '85 '
tcp        0      0 localhost:10085         *:*      LISTEN     30585/apache2
tcp        0      0 *:85                    *:*      LISTEN     30577/apache2

Then in my app auto() I added:

    warn join "\n",
        "request = " . $c->req->uri,
        $c->request->header( 'X-Forwarded-Host' ),
        $c->uri_for( '/foo' ),

And I get:

    $ GET http://bumby:85/foo.html >/dev/null

    request = http://bumby:85/foo.html

So, that's correct.

> >Is your front end machine on the same host? If not you would likely 
> >need to set $c->config->{using_frontend_proxy} per the docs.
> Yes, both Apache servers (:80 and :81) are on the same host. I've still
> no idea what is wrong here.

Throw in some warn statements in Catalyst::Engine::Apache.

Bill Moseley

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