On Aug 19, 2007, at 8:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have been getting confusing results from my catalyst app.

I created a test app to try to isolate the problem. I've also tried using catalyst trunk version.

Here are some details about the app:

FCGI debug output:  http://scsys.co.uk:8001/9021

App.pm and Controller code: http://scsys.co.uk:8001/9084

Apache config file: http://scsys.co.uk:8001/9085

Complete test app: http://romeo.dnsdojo.com/frankg-test-app.tar.gz


1) Why does the request_base have the controller name appended to it?

2) Why, when posting my login form with action='/login/blogin', does it ends up going to 'Root's default action'?

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this problem. Unfortunately, using your exact config, I was not able to reproduce the issue. Here are the versions of things I have:

Apache/2.2.4 with mod_fastcgi/2.4.2
Perl 5.8.6
Catalyst 5.7008
FCGI.pm 0.67
FCGI::ProcManager 0.17

To debug the problem further, the next thing to check is the contents of the environment that is passed to the FastCGI handler. Add the following line to Catalyst::Engine::FastCGI before line 145 (handle_request):

warn Data::Dump::dump( \%env );

On your problem request /login, check the values of the following 2 keys. I've pasted mine here so you can compare.

PATH_INFO            => "/login",
SCRIPT_NAME          => "",


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