Peter Karman wrote:
> I see Catalyst::Model::Search on CPAN now. As the maintainer of
> Catalyst::Model::SWISH, I'd love to get in on that namespace action. Is
> Catalyst::Model::Search intentionally undocumented? Are there plans for a
> formal API to which subclasses of Catalyst::Model::Search must adhere?

People can upload whatever they want to CPAN for any reason with any
name :)  Please mail the maintainer directly and collaborate with him. 
If there's something seriously wrong with the module (no docs for an
important namespace like "Search" is a good reason), please let the core
team know on the dev list, and we'll do what we can to make sure the
users of the module have the best experience possible.

Collaboration is the key.  Modules that one guy uploads to the CPAN on a
whim are rarely useful.

Finally, what do you envision for the ::Search namespace?  A common
interface to various search mechanisms?

Jonathan Rockway

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