Matt S Trout wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 08:57:35AM -0500, Peter Karman wrote:
>> I've been thinking the last couple days about ways to expand
>> Catalyst::Controller::Rose to play more nicely with other models besides
>> C::M::RDBO. This is per mst's request to open up the RHTMLO goodness to
>> non-RDBO users, and because I now find myself wanting the same thing. I have 
>> a
>> model that isn't RDBO that I'd like to use in a project.
>> So I'm proposing the following -- comments/criticism welcome.
>> * CatalystX::CRUD::Model (CXCM)
>> A base class for CRUD-like models. CXCM isa Catalyst::Model. Any CXCM 
>> subclass
>> could be used with the C::C::Rose classes (or any other controller that 
>> decided
>> to adhere to the CXCM API). C::M::RDBO would become a CXCM subclass.
>> CXCM subclasses would need to implement at least the following methods:
>>  * new_object  - returns CatalystX::CRUD::Object->new()
>>  * fetch       - returns CatalystX::CRUD::Object->new()->read()
>>  * search      - returns zero or more CXCO instances as an arrayref
>>  * interator   - like search() but returns an iterator
>>  * count       - like search() but returns an integer
> Have you looked at the way the Handel storage stuff works? That already
> supports both DBIC and RDBO so might be an interesting start.

/me runs and hides.

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