
I put the service script into

In the script:

use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib";
use MyApp;

print MyApp->path_to('/');  # prints APP_HOME/script/service/

Fix for Catalyst::Utils (sub Catalyst::Utils::home):

<                 my ($lastdir) = $home->dir_list( -1, 1 );
<                 if ( $lastdir eq '..' ) {
<                     $home = dir($home)->parent->parent;
>                 my $i = 0;
>                 $i++ while $home->dir_list( -$i, 1 ) eq '..';
>                 if ($i) {
>                     $home = dir($home)->parent for 1..($i*2);

in my case at line 174 $home = 'APP_HOME/script/service/../../'
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