On 24 Dec 2008, at 18:27, Ashley wrote:

On Dec 24, 2008, at 2:08 AM, Tomas Doran wrote:
On 24 Dec 2008, at 00:25, Ashley wrote:
I love OS X but the Perl it has historically shipped with is historically no so hot. I would strongly recommend you install the latest 5.8 (NOT over your system perl but beside it) or 5.10.

I don't consider this good advice, especially for a beginner.

He didn't say he was a Perl beginner. :)

Yeah, sorry - total misreading on my part there..

He said he was new to Catalyst. The perl + libs OS X ships with have caused me many problems (nothing with Cat springs to mind, more C-based things like Storable) in the past from the public beta to 10.4.

I've never had an issue with Apple's perl myself. I wouldn't use it for production (where I build my own from source), but I've always found it fine for development..

It's not bad advice, generally - but readers could have got the impression that Catalyst itself is unlikely to work on the perl which Apple ship, which isn't true..

This might be the problems with the temporarily out of sync content decoding layers in LWP v Mech. Which are all fixed in the newest versions. So installing LWP and WWW::Mechanize before Catalyst might be all that's needed.

I think that is just idle speculation...

I can confirm that right now for me, a freshly installed 5.8.8, pulling everything (including latest WWW::Mech, and latest LWP) from CPAN, WWW::Mech fails tests for me, as per:




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