On 4 Aug 2010, at 10:06, Ton Voon wrote:
In general, it's better to test the return value from eval directly instead of depend on $...@. Something like:

my $has_exception;
eval { $c->state( $code->execute( $class, $c, @{ $c->req->args } ) || 0 ); 1; } || $has_exception++;
if ( $has_exception ) {

Or use the "eval {....; 1 } || do { my $msg = $@; ...};" style.

I did a bit of work in DBIx::Class where I changed all the eval statements to using Try::Tiny instead. Not sure if it got into trunk yet. A similar conversion here would work.

Branch to do that (Try::Tiny) entirely welcome, we already depend on it (via Moose).


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