Hello all,


I am new to Catalyst, so I will try to make this query as smart as I
possibly can.


I am trying to fetch data from a mysql database using a jQuery ajax
method to populate a select list...and my question is:  what is the
recommended method in Catalyst to serialize/encode a DBIC class object
into a JSON object, that I can then parse easily in a view with

If anyone is able to help, an example would be highly appreciated.


Many thanks



Ps: I have had an attempt with JSON::XS, but I don't think it is correct
as I had to bless manually the conversion. 

Not sure here that my approach is correct... I am thinking that perhaps
the conversion should be done within the model itself?


Here is the way I think how the mechanics work with Catalyst, but my
conversion does not return anything.


1./ in a TT view, I use the Jquery .ajax function to connect to a method
(list_ajax) under the iprequest controller  eg:




                                                type: "GET"

"[% c.uri_for("/request/list_ajax") %]"




2./ the method gets the data from my database using a DBIC model ...but
I encode it into a JSON object and stash it to the contents. (At this
point here I am experimenting!)

sub list_ajax :Local {

                                my ($self, $c) = @_;

                                my $encoder = encode "UTF-8",

                                $c->stash(ajax_request => [$encoder]);





3./ Coming back to my point 1 above, I get the contents with my ajax
function by adding (in blue):




                                                type: "GET"

"[% c.uri_for("/iprequest/list_ajax") %]"

,dataType: "json"


,success: function(json){

if(json.ajax_request) {

$('<p>I got something to show..</p>').appendTo('.reuseable);

$.each(json.ajax_request, function(i,n) {

var item = json.ajax_request[i];

$('<p>'+ item +'</p>')





else {

$('.reuseable').html('<p>no result sorry..</p>');









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