On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 8:01 AM, Roland Philibert <rphilib...@aptina.com>
> I am trying to fetch data from a mysql database using a jQuery ajax method
> to populate a select list...and my question is:  what is the recommended
> method in Catalyst to serialize/encode a DBIC class object into a JSON
> object, that I can then parse easily in a view with javascript?

I can't tell you what's recommended (I'm pretty new to Catalyst myself), but
I'm pretty happy with my generic solution.

#---- extend Catalyst::View::JSON.
# I got this idea from something on the CPAN.
package MyApp::View::JSON;

use Moose;
use JSON::XS ();

extends 'Catalyst::View::JSON';

# TODO: become smarter Mooser and delegate or something...
my $encoder = JSON::XS->new->utf8->pretty(0)->indent(0)

sub encode_json {
   my( $self, $c, $data ) = @_;
   $encoder->encode( $data );

#---- create a result base class with a generic TO_JSON method:
package MyApp::Schema::DB::ResultBase;

use Moose;
use MooseX::NonMoose;
use namespace::autoclean;
extends 'DBIx::Class::Core';

sub TO_JSON {
   return { $_[0]->get_inflated_columns };

#---- result classes extend the base class
package MyApp::Schema::DB::Result::Example;
extends 'MyApp::Schema::DB::ResultBase';

#---- in controller methods to return JSON...
   current_view => 'JSON',
   current_model => 'DB',
   json_data => [ $c->model()->... ],
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