On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Roberto Henriquez

> For example, that's what Catalyst::Plugin::Session::PSGI aims to do. You
> access the session as usual and the "dirty" details are handled by the
> plugin and its config.

Catalyst::Plugin::Session::PSGI has worked in the cases I've tried, which
shouldn't be surprising as I wrote the module to meet my own requirements.

I've flagged this module as experimental because I know there are a couple
of places where I've probably abused or misunderstood the best way to solve
the problem I had. I'm worried that there are sharp edges and stupid bugs in
places I simply haven't considered yet.

I'm always happy to receive feedback, constructive criticism and patches on
my modules and I'd really like to get some feedback, better solutions and
tests so that I feel more comfortable dropping the experimental warning in
the future.

e: chi...@chizography.net
w: http://chizography.net
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