On Apr 7, 2006, at 11:19 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

2. I had a line of code in a copy of the DataPort example:
select.setRoot(entity). The javadocs say that setRoot() is deprecated and to access root via getMetaData(). I don't see how to setRoot () that
way.  (I saw BaseQueryMetadata.resolve() but that seems rather
round-about and it's not a public method anyway.)

The entire concept of "query root" is deprecated (i.e. Cayenne access stack no longer cares whether a query has a root or not), so 'setRoot' is deprecated in the Query interface. However queries that inherit from AbstractQuery still have undeprecated "setRoot" method. Those are the queries where root still makes sense.

A few more notes about the queries. Cayenne <= 1.1.x could execute a handful of built-in queries. Each query was a metadata object with no behavior. In 1.2 Query interface was split into lifecycle part (Query) and metadata part (QueryMetadata). This made possible two new features -

1. Treating selecting and updating queries the same way at the DataContext level. 2. Custom and indirect queries: http://objectstyle.org/confluence/ display/CAYDOC/Queries

Again, the reason why there is no setters in Query or QueryMetadata interfaces is that Cayenne itself never modifies a query. Concrete queries can define any setters that make sense - Cayenne doesn't need to know about them.


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