A shared cache can be cleaned up by doing DataDomain.getSharedSnapshotCache().clear(). Also I am in the process of implementing a pluggable externally managed cache in 3.0:



On Aug 2, 2006, at 2:41 AM, Borut Bolčina wrote:

We are at architectural/design phase (cycle zero). No decision has yet been made. Is there an example for invalidating cache somewhere?


On 31.7.2006 20:29, Tore Halset wrote:

On Jul 31, 2006, at 17:52, Borut Bolčina wrote:

I need an advice on using Cayenne in an environment where two PostgeSQL databases are configured to replicate from each other for failover capability.

Are you using Sequoia[1] or slony[2] or creating your own solution?

I am thinking of two Cayenne enabled applications (load distribution) which insert records in one of those two databases. Application one (A1) inserts in database one (DB1) and application two (A2) inserts in database two (DB2).

The insertion, deletion or update will cause Java triggers in PostgreSQL to call appropriate Java method in the application. If for any reason one of the databases is down for some time, the replication mechanism will bring the second database up-to date which will trigger invocations of the Java methods, so the second application will be in the correct state also.

As long as triggers do not modify records, everything should be ok with Cayenne. In case, which I don't foresee now, the records will be modified on database level, all DataContexts should be invalidated, am I right?

Cayenne has its own way of syncronizing cache[3] between app instances. You could also invalidate cache manually.

 - Tore.

[1] http://sequoia.continuent.org/HomePage
[2] http://gborg.postgresql.org/project/slony1/
[3] http://cwiki.apache.org/CAYDOC/configuring-caching-behavior.html


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