Currently the news are entered in the main space (CAY). We can incorporate this on the front page via different means such as

* A custom Confluence template (not sure if it has enough flexibility for a sophisticated branded look)
* A script that grabs news via RSS and builds the static page from that.

Like I said, I think the main issue is having a dedicated 'editor' role. Currently I post news when a new release goes out. But it would be nice if somebody who follows both lists and knows what happens in Cayenne could log in to Confluence every once in a while and post a short recap of the important events.

Say "cayenne 3.0 just added a callback mechanism that allows to easily plug in business logic to the persistent object lifecycle, bla, bla...". Essentially the things people normally blog about.

Borut has a nice blog (I speak two slavic languages and more or less understand two more, so I can even pretend to understand a bit of Slovenian :-)), maybe he can take on this task? ;-)


On Sep 20, 2006, at 11:04 PM, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:

On 21/09/2006, at 8:39 AM, Tomi NA wrote:

As far as news are concerned, just channeling the announcements about
new versions of cayenne would be worth a news section and would keep
it up to date. The news section could do with a bit of colour, though,
but it wouldn't be critical.
It'd be good to have a news section. There's enough material to fill
it. It's just that it has to become routine for the list announcements
to end up on the web.

How would this work? Can we create a new CAYNEWS Space in Confluence and somehow have recent changes from that included on the front page? What tools do we have to work with to make this happen? Are any other Apache projects doing this?

Ari Maniatis

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