Although the second solution is probably asking for trouble... when you read stored dates back they'll require a conversion again.

Also Cayenne 3.0 introduces persistence of Calendar primitives via a special ExtendedType [1]. This should be easy to port to 1.2 ... although I am not sure it does the right thing regarding the time zone either. I suspect we should be using "PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(int,Timestamp,Calendar)" for it to work. In any event, if you could write a straight JDBC test using this form of "setTimestamp" method on your database and see how that works, I'd appreciate feedback.

[1] core/cayenne-jdk1.4/src/main/java/org/apache/cayenne/access/types/


On Dec 11, 2006, at 1:53 PM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

Yeah, daylight saving time is tricky... Though the Date object still stores information about the timezone. I am surprised the driver doesn't account for it. Here is a few options that you have:

1. [the simplest] If you can redesign your database, I'd suggest storing dates as long numbers. 2. "Normalize" dates as "pseudo-UTC" (i.e. subtracting an absolute difference with UTC, that should take into account the daylight saving time):

Calendar cal1 = new GregorianCalendar();
int offsetMinutes = -(cal1.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) + cal1.get (Calendar.DST_OFFSET)) / (60 * 1000);

But again, I am surprised that driver doesn't do that for you - may require more research with your DB...


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