Sorry for the late post about this weekend's birding. On Saturday, there were 2 CAPE MAY WARBLERS in the Norway spruces in my backyard in NE Ithaca, adding to the large number of records this fall (and last spring) - these were joined by a BLUE-HEADED VIREO, a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET, and sev. RED-BREASETED NUTHATCHES (residents) for a mini-boreal show.

On Sunday morning I birded several spots around Myer's Point, behind the Ithaca airport, and Stewart Park, scanning the lake and sky and hitting as many chickadee flocks as I could find. Although migrants were generally scarce, I managed to find 10 warbler and 4 vireo species - the highlight was a large mixed flock on Mohawk Rd. about halfway between Snyder and Neimi Rds, with 3 PHILADELPHIA VIREOS, 2 TENNESSEE, 1 NASHVILLE, 1 NORTHERN PARULA, 1 BLACK-THROATED BLUE, and 1 MAGNOLIA WARBLER.

Another highlight was the large flight of migrating BLUE JAYS coming over all morning in their typically loose, linear flocks - in 2 hours at and near Myer's Point, I counted 510 BLUE JAYS, including a flock of 100+ that circled up like a spiral of smoke and took off over Cayuga Lake in a southwesterly direction. Pretty cool,

good birding,

Ken Rosenberg
Director, Conservation Science Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd,
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 254-2412


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