After reading that Dave Nutter hiked to the lake in search of an Ithaca Vesper Sparrow, I apologize for this late post:

At mid-day today (Saturday) I checked Stewart Park and was surprised to see a nice VESPER SPARROW at the edge of the parking lot right next to the boathouse - an Imm. WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW and several SONG SPARROWS were also present. In the willows around the pond next to the boathouse were about 6 YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS and 2 RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS.

An adult BALD EAGLE was perched in the dead tree across the inlet.

On the lake, I counted 112 PIED-BILLED GREBES (very close to the count reported earlier today, and I think the largest number I have ever seen at one time), along with 3 AM WIGEON, 1 GADWALL, 1 RUDDY DUCK, 1 GREEN-WINGED TEAL, 2 BUFFLEHEAD, and 2 imm. BONAPARTE'S GULLS that took off and headed southe while I watched.

3 distant but identifiable DUNLIN were on the lighthouse jetty, but I could pick out no interesting gulls.


Ken Rosenberg
Director, Conservation Science Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Rd,
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 254-2412


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