While this is out of the basin I think it may be of interest to some who might 
want to add them to their list.

We arrived in Skaneateles Tues. evening about 6:30 to join friends at the Blue 
Water Grill for a delicious meal. For 1/2 hr. before we went inside I had been 
watching many Chimney Swifts flying over the business district buildings. After 
we went inside my window view allowed me to continue to watch them, a sight 
I've always loved.

Many yrs. have passed since I've seen so many swifts. In my early teens, & even 
before, on the family farm near Wellsboro, PA I often climbed the tall, wall 
ladder to get to the peak of the hay mow where the swifts had their beautifully 
made, shiny, varnished-looking, "stick & spit" nests stuck to the side of the 
barn. Many times I would hold & pet the birds, marveling at their pointed tails 
& their soft feathers. None ever seemed alarmed that I was there. A treasured 

Here in Union Springs I saw only 2 swifts last night. Last yr. I discovered 
that swifts are nesting in an unused chimney of people we know. Previously, I 
had been unable to discover where they were going to roost.

I might also add, that we had dozens of bats around the barns at night. They 
slept in the barn near the swifts in the daytime & oh, horror of horrors, I 
often petted them & stretched out their velvety wings!! How much the simple, 
wonderful things of life have changed! The innocence of youth ..... ! Thanks 
for the memories!



Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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