Hi all,
Good morning!  I was up around  3.47 am to look at the close alliance of  Moon 
and Mars.  They were very pretty to watch. But while watching I listened to 
migrants. Exactly at that time there was a flock of Caspian Terns migrating and 
they were croaking along. I also heard several tseeps and chips. But as per 
Murphy's rule that also happened to be time when the train to Power Plant was 
also passing by. To save humans and animals I guess they honk every few 
seconds.  Though railway line is more than a mile away as crow flies, the sound 
of train honking is heard several miles.

So I decided to get up a little later and listen. I spent some 20 minutes 
listening and try recording, I did hear some tseeps, but very few, but then I 
heard lots of trucks rumbling down 79 and probably traffic from Rt 13.  I 
decided to wind  up. So it is that time of the year to listen to birds go 
south!  Temp was almost freezing!

Yesterday I spent some time in Mundy during lunch time. I saw more birders than 
Highlights were a Warbling Vireo and  a Magnolia in a chickadee flock.  But the 
best bird was YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER at Kentucky spot.  It was calling and 
flycatching. For those who are new to this area, Kentucky spot is to the south 
side of Plantations Hort Building in Mundy, A path from the south western end 
of the parking lot goes up the edge of the hill towards west with a board walk. 
The Kentucky spot is where this board walk is, there is a marshy seepage  with 
skunk cabbages.  This location is as follows in the Google maps.

Yesterday evening on an impulse, I got into the car to go somewhere to look for 
birds. I was deciding between Stewart park and some other locations. I took 
decision by the time I got out of my driveway to go to Six Mile Creeks 
Overlook.  It is such a peaceful location and does not feel that you are in 
town.  Sitting on "Edna Clausen" bench, I watched several Barn Swallows, one of 
the parent fed an youngster in flight; many waxwings flycatching, a chattering 
Baltimore Oriole, Chimney Swifts, two very cute ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK, I think 
they were HY birds, House Wren, a Peewee, Kingfisher, Great Blue Heron, 
Red-bellied Woodpeckers (chukchuking)  and more than 50+ robins coming in 
flocks of five to six birds, heading into Poplars.  It is such a nice peaceful 
location, I am glad I went there.

Let's see what the day hold for us!

Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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