Awakened about 5 am by the insistent rapid cu-cu' ing of first of year at my 
yard BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO, four mi north of Sapsucker Woods.
Finally! Been wondering where the 'rain crows' were during all the rain.

Also a BLACKPOLL WARBLER is still hiding in the neighbor's tall pine tree where 
I can't spot it, but singing loud and often. I got some decent pics of the 
female on Saturday in my woods but haven't seen the male there (saw several at 
SSW last week).

Tried to track down what sounded like a begging nestling crow last evening, 
then heard the same moaning again this AM at 645. Not sure where it is but not 
easily accessible: appears to be across the creek and possibly Asbury Rd, maybe 
in the cemetery trees at Asbury/Triphammer intersection. It's almost male 
cat-like (not a Sapsucker: I have them and know their cat-like whine, and 
definitely not a Catbird: I have them too!). Coming consistently from the same 
place which appears to be at some height off the ground but in thick foliage I 
can't see through. What's odd is that I don't see the Crow family hanging 
around this year. Any other ideas of what would moan sort of like a cat (maybe 
the cat is stuck up a tree....)?


Chris Pelkie
Research Analyst
Bioacoustics Research Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850


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