This afternoon I had the occasion to be in Dryden with a couple of hours to spare. In between snow flurries I saw a few birds, the most notable of which were coincidentally white. 

On Ferguson Road and moving between Mill Street and NYS-38 among a mixed flock of CEDAR WAXWINGS and AMERICAN ROBINS (with a couple BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEES thrown in) was a Robin whose upper parts were nearly white, especially the wings and tail, rather than the typical slate gray. Its breast, however was within the normal range of pink for a female. 

While traveling on Stevenson Road I paused to glance at the Cornell compost piles and saw, cruising low, the WHITE-WINGED TURKEY VULTURE. Its left primaries are totally white, as are its outermost right primary and a small patch on the underside of each wrist. If this bird travels out of our area, I hope somehow we continue to get reports about it. 

--Dave Nutter
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