When I plugged-in the provided coordinates the other day, Google Earth landed me out in the open, hundreds of yards to the east. But Matt Medler's description of the "one-lane green bridge" made it clear that these birds are in just about the same spot where Prothonotary Warblers were found in the late 1990s - i.e. the west end of the high steel bridge over the modern barge canal.


On Jun 1, 2011, at 4:10 PM, Kenneth Victor Rosenberg wrote:

This is a strange series of events. Having been a little confused by the bridges on Armitage Rd myself on Sunday, I wonder if there is the possibility of these being two separate spots? 3 calling Acadian FCs would seem to be hard to miss by all the other Prothonotary seekers, and vice versa.... Just a thought.


Ken Rosenberg
Director of Conservation Science
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
607-342-4594 (cell)

On Jun 1, 2011, at 11:46 AM, J. Gary Kohlenberg wrote:

Yesterday at 6:30 pm I was able to hear and then see both Prothonotary warblers. I recorded video of one to have the singing. They are LOUD at close range.
This area is amazingly birdie.


On Jun 1, 2011, at 9:58 AM, "Matthew Medler" <m...@cornell.edu> wrote:

There were two Prothonotary Warblers countersinging from opposite sides of Armitage Road at 4:30 pm on Monday afternoon (31 May 2011). These birds were just 10-20 yards west of the little gravel pull-off area on the west side of the one-lane green bridge. No sign of any Acadians at that time, but a singing Northern Waterthrush was a bit of a surprise. Not a surprise, but always nice to hear, were two Cerulean Warblers. Oh, and a distant Black-billed Cuckoo sang for about 30 seconds.

Matt Medler

From: bob mcguire <bmcgu...@clarityconnect.com>
To: cayugabirdlist <cayugabirds-L@cornell.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, June 1, 2011 8:47 AM
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Prothontary - no

John Confer and I drove up to the north end of the lake yesterday
evening to look for some of the recently-sighted birds. From the tower
at Tschache Pool we scoped the vast mud flats and found - 3 BLACK-
BELLIED PLOVERS and two distant shorebirds that flew in and
disappeared behind logs and stumps. No other shorebirds. 3 Red- winged
Blackbirds. One of the plovers had a markedly darker cap, making it
worth a closer look. However the throat and belly were black while the
vent was white, and the bill was relatively short and stubby. So we
left it as Black-bellied Plover.

From there we drove out Armitage Road, parked just past the green
bridge, and spent about a half hour walking up and down the road to
the west. We heard several Yellow Warblers, 2 American Redstarts, also
Common Yellowthroats, Swamp Sparrows and, surprisingly, 3 ACADIAN
FLYCATCHERS. Two of them were on the north side, close to the road.
The third was on the south side. Unfortunately for us, no Prothonotary
Warblers. We left at sunset.

Bob McGuire


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Geo Kloppel
Bowmaker & Restorer
227 Tupper Road
Spencer NY 14883

607 564 7026


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