Wow, an absolutely amazing wonder of nature!  Thank you so much for enduring
the cold and posting it for us!!

Don Timmons
-------Original Message-------
From: Meena Haribal
Date: 01/11/12 21:55:59
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Snow Geese at Dusk over muckland
Hi all, 
I had an errand to run along the lake, so after the errand (which did not
work out), I decided to head further north in the hopes of seeing Snow Geese
 When I arrived, sun had already set and I hardly saw any snow geese. Only 
a few were visible and a few  were landing behind the vegetation. I was
disappointed at that and was about head back when I heard the swishing noise
 looked back there was a huge snow geese cloud rising from the muck. They
often settle back soon after one such burst and that is it.  But this swarm
kept circling. I watched for 5 minutes as I did not want to miss the show.
Then I grabbed my camera and started shooting video. I was wearing only
T-shirt and it was getting freezing. I thought I might miss this action so
did not bother to waste time get my jacket. Then this went on and on even my
hands started shaking due to cold. So stopped and grabbed my coat. For
nearly half an hour they swirled and circled. They waxed and waned, they
came in as rising and falling tide. When they were heading towards me when I
looked up, there was dizzying effect on me as the waves and waves flew over
me. It was amazing to watch them. With shaking hand and steadying hand I
managed to get some fifteen minutes video. I wish I had mounted the camera
on the tripod. 
I am not sure what made them circle so long. Were they thinking of heading
south as cold is expected to night? Many birds, especially shore birds do
this kind of flight when they are in hurry to migrate. Or were there any
hunters on the ground that made them take to wing and probably every time a
small group landed they got shot at so they took to flight again. I hope
that was not the case. I hate to think myself as snow goose, especially if I
the cute Ross's Goose (which I saw many at Bosque del Apache) and get
continuously shot at by some nasty human when I am ready to rest and sleep. 
Here is a video about a minute  at YouTube. As this is a large file, takes
time to load, I suggest wait for it completely download (watch the grey line
reach the end) and then watch instead of in snatches. Hope you too enjoy it.
I was glad I was there to watch this scene. 
Meena Haribal
Ithaca NY 14850
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