This a.m. in the 100 acres behind our house I watched as the field was being 
sprayed to kill the untold thousands of ARMYWORMS marching across the ground. 
The field was mowed yesterday with the hay going for silage. Becky & I had 
watched on Mon. as the grass under our feet appeared to be moving as the worms 
"marched" across the ground. The leaves on the 4 1/2' tall stalks of grass were 
all but eaten away. Becky had seen thousands of the worms crossing Spring St. 
Rd. going from the hayfield to the grain field which was sprayed later on Sun.. 
She had no idea what the worms were & it has been many yrs. since I've seen 
them so I didn't remember. 

This invasion will have terrible effects on crops & ON BIRDS. I saw many birds 
back in the field apparently feeding on the worms which already were beginning 
to die from the insecticide. According to the article posted on Face Book by 
Bill Hecht there is a shortage of Pyrethrin based sprays so farmers will have 
to make a critical choice about what to do/use to save their human & animal 
food crops. I wish Bill would post the link to the article on the bird list 
because I don't know how.

The worms will soon become moths which will lay the second round of eggs that 
will hatch sometime in July. Gardeners .. beware ... these worms like your 
crops, too.

For some of you ornithologists out there ... any thoughts about mortality 
expectations for birds eating the poisoned worms?? A male pheasant, probably 
just released, was running across the field last night. How long will he last?
Monsanto doesn't have any "Round-Up Ready" crops for this invasion but I'm sure 
they have lots of poisons.



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