1330h   3 Black Vultures were preening and looking generally as sleek as a 
vulture can on the N end of the wooden paddock fence, E of the Stevenson Rd 
Compost mounds.  One disappeared on me but the other 2 sat and rested after 
preening in about the same spot for the next hour.  I didn't count,  but about 
25 Turkey Vultures were sprinkled on trees, fences, mounds.  One charming 
juvenile Turkey vulture was there, looking wonderingly around.   (Why do the 
Turkey Vulture leg colors vary so much...from barely pink to brilliant red like 
their heads?)

Other than that, It was a 5 big-black-bird day during my watch of crows:   
Besides the two vultures, there were American Crows (ca 75 or less on mounds), 
Fish Crows (a few including tagged 06), and at the end, the ravens were 
calling, I thought I heard a juvenile begging and one (pretty sure juvenile--in 
flight)  flew into the compost as I was leaving. 

To be more complete:   Ring-billed Gulls of all ages, a juvenile Herring Gull 
and 2 juvenile Great Black-Backed Gulls, Mama Mallard with her now duck-like 

5G BYWY13 (AMCR) had some adventures in foraging, but that goes beyond general 


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