I had definitely 3 yesterday noon. The singing bright M, the brown F (faint 
streaks on sides, not the RCKI, though that was also singing), plus another 
rather yellow but not as bright one moving, foraging, and I believe singing. By 
climbing to the top of the knoll, they came down to our level for good views 
and some pics. Thanks to the first finder for posting so I knew it was time to 
go hunting!

There are also singing Chipping Sparrows providing a good discrimination test 
for ‘spring trillers’. Pine Warbler was, as expected, a softer trill than the 
more mechanical CHSP. Actually, I first mistook the CHSP trill for a Dark-eyed 
Junco as it was trilling in short bursts like Junco and the Juncos and Chippies 
are both trilling in my yard now. But I found the Sparrow sitting in a tree at 
the bottom of the knoll for visual ID.


Chris Pelkie
IT Support Assistant
Bioacoustics Research Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

On Apr 21, 2014, at 14:58, Linda Orkin 
<wingmagi...@gmail.com<mailto:wingmagi...@gmail.com>> wrote:

There were multiple Pine Warblers singing at both the south edge in Red Pine 
and the North Edge in White Pine this morning.  I'd say at least 3 or 4.  I was 
able to find and see one, a very bright one, as he was singing.  One of them 
switched from the normal trill to a very fast trill with a brief musical 
ending.  I cannot find this musical ending described anywhere, but this was 
definitely the Pine Warbler doing this.

And a singing Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

Linda Orkin
Ithaca, NY
If you permit
this evil, what is the good
of the good of your life?

-Stanley Kunitz...

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