At about 1230pm at the NW corner of the SSW pond, in a tree where I have seen 
Least Flycatchers in the spring several times, I had what I assumed at first 
was this year’s FOY (for me) of same (knowing others already have reported one 
at SSW). However, from a rather close distance and with 10x binocs in good 
light, what I actually saw had a quite yellow front side (throat, belly, 
underside) and a yellow-olive back side and the eye ring was also yellowish. It 
was definitely a smallish flycatcher; no vocalizations. I think therefore that 
it was a YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHER. Sorry for not posting sooner but I wanted 
to review images of Least to see if they tend to occasionally show more yellow 
than the plain buff I am used to seeing. I can’t find any evidence they do, but 
stand to be corrected.

I was pleased to also find 2 NORTHERN WATERTHRUSHes calling (‘chick’) but not 
singing from either side of the trail just where it bends at the Fuller 
boardwalk. These were not my FOYs, but I’ve not seen them in this marshy area 
before. One hopped up for good looks while the other hid behind the huge willow 
tree there.

At home this afternoon, I did get my FOY NASHVILLE WARBLER (nice to get one for 
the home team as the first of year) as well as my SOYY (second of year yard) 
YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER(s). Then Martha came out and while we were looking at our 
first of year Female (no less, and unaccompanied) ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK, she 
also spotted a yellow breasted tail pumper in a hemlock which indeed was a PALM 

Our resident YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER has discovered to his delight that the 
metal eave trough just above the bedroom window makes a resounding and 
satisfying racket when pecked vigorously at 530 am. for 15 mins at least.


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