Birding friends,

Below is an e-mail from the mother of the Scout about whom I wrote that 
wanted to make a path along the south side of Mill Pond.  I have sent 
her copies of e-mails I've received. Today I sent her the last of the 
many I've received over the last few weeks & this is her reply. Now you 
must step in & try to help him. At 81, with an 84 yr.old husband not in 
the best of health, I can't do more to lead this project but I'll try to 
be the go-between, if necessary. I have deliberately not revealed _ANY_ 
e-addresses so as to protect everyone.

I am proud of all of you who took time & effort to write to me, the 
mayor & village trustees. Kathy has said she & her son are open to 
suggestions///_OR_/ to abandoning the proposal all together. Dave Nutter 
has offered to help, busy as he is. I will try to talk to Kathy soon but 
perhaps not 'til after after Christmas. In the meantime, put on your 
thinking caps & if you are visiting Union Springs, look at the pond 
surroundings near the street & try to picture what might be a project 
the lad could do. He also will need to be looking at things in a 
different light with time to plan & present findings to the village board.

Thanks to you all for your input. May you all have a very merry, birdy 

Fritzie Blizzard (& no, I didn't order snow for Christmas!) ;>)

Date:   Thu, 18 Dec 2014 16:21:12 -0500
From:   Kathleen Aguilar


Hi Fritzie,

  I have been receiving your emails and reading all the notes written by 
your fellow bird enthusiasts. I appreciate their graciousness in 
acknowledging my son's good intentions. I totally understand their 
worries about a path around the pond and how it might negatively affect 
the bird life on the Mill Pond.

I was hoping maybe we could meet the next time you have a meeting and we 
could talk.

Several letters had suggestions of some projects that would support bird 
watching on the Mill pond (blinds, kiosk...) We are VERY open to 
suggestions to adjust our original proposal (or even abandon it 

It seems like maybe we could combine my son's enthusiasm to do a service 
project for his hometown with the birding community's knowledge to 
produce something that would enhance the bird life on the pond and the 
community as well. With the Village Board's blessing, maybe we could 
design something new that accomplished both goals.  :)



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