Thirteen people went out today for a half-day field trip.  After a brief
stop to look for Peregrine Falcon at Bradfield Hall, with no luck, we
headed down to East Shore Park.  Here we saw a variety of waterfowl, though
not in the huge numbers that have recently been seen.  We had good looks at
Common Mergansers and Lesser Scaup close in, and Canvasbacks among the
Redheads.  This turned out to be a good spot for identifying both females
and males of these waterfowl. Common Goldeneye were out a little farther
and Paul also spotted a Common Loon.

We next headed up to Myers Point Marina, where we saw Gadwall, a female
Hooded Merganser, more Lesser Scaup and Black Duck in with the Mallards.
Susan spotted a beautiful Northern Pintail. Groups of Common Goldeneye not
far offshore were doing their head-throw displays which were a lot of fun
to watch.   The water was very calm on this side of the point.  Out at the
spit, it was much windier and cold, but there we saw a group of Tundra
Swans before they took off in flight.  A raft of Redheads was visible North
of Salt Point, but too far away for us to pick through.

>From Myers, we went out to Davis and Mahaney Roads looking for Horned Larks
and Snow Buntings, and were disappointed not to find any, even at Belltown
Dairy.  As we continued to Center Road, Ken saw one Horned Lark; it perched
briefly on a corn stalk for us.  We could hear a few others and saw two
more fly by, but wished that the flock had been larger, and that they had
stuck around long enough for everyone to see.  After our rather
disappointing search for field birds, we went over to Algerine Road for
Wild Turkeys.  At first, it looked like we had struck out here as well, but
there were 7 turkeys far in the back field.

This was the first birding field trip that Ken and I have led. We very much
enjoyed the company of everyone in the group!

Diane Morton & Ken Kemphues


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