Around the drive at MNWR were many people looking for the mystery "cinnamon" teal. No one we talked to had seen it. Frogs & turtles were out enjoying the warm day. Becky helped a painted turtle across the road. A crow captured a leopard frog & flew away with it. We saw more frogs on the road across from Larue's & more crows watching for them. Love the harriers & juvenile bald eagles.

Has anyone noticed that what may be a new pool is being dug in the field toward the Thruway north from Eaton Marsh between Benning & the river? That is probably where the dirt is coming from to make the raised area across from the Thruway fence.

Today Becky & I saw no fewer than 43 sandhill cranes continuing at Knox-Marcellus. Time was short so we couldn't stay long.

What was of importance to us was the remains of the lone house on East Rd., once owned by my distant Mennonite cousin. It burnt to the ground either Fri. night or sometime Sat.. It was still smouldering this afternoon & we could feel the heat from it. Becky & I had been by it at almost dark on Fri. evening & saw voluminous clouds of black smoke coming from the chimney, something I'd never seen in all the yrs. I'd been by there or when I'd stopped to visit Janelle. The house was heated by a wood furnace in the basement.

We saw Jackie Bakker & Larue St.Clair at the entrance to the refuge but they had no news nor had they been by the house. The nearest fire dept. is in Montezuma village. Such a sad loss. Just wanted fellow birders to know when & what as that gray house has been a marker for a number of yrs..

Yesterday on Mill pond, we had many mallards, several prs. of buffles & 2 female woodies. Today 2 teachers had at least 20 middle school youths at the gazebo, looking at the buffle-heads.

Fritzie B.


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