As I was coming back to Freeville via  Hanshaw Road (13 to West Dryden Road), 
there was a Raven just sitting in a tree along the road, basically in the front 
yard of the house or two on the W side of Hanshaw, just before getting to Niemi 
Road.  Two crows came out from W of the house to call at the raven, which just 
sat comfortably. I pulled into Niemi Road to get a few photos, just to document 
the event of seeing a raven sitting calmly so close to a  house.  

And speaking of the stretch between Etna and Niemi Roads, we have a disperser 
crow, a young 3 year old female tagged with green tags, black letters 9U.  Last 
year she moved from her natal area between Hanshaw and Cardinal lane, 
apparently finding a mate and territory between Etna and Niemi Roads.   The 
pair are often to be seen on one side of Hanshaw or the other.  BUT now that 
nesting is upon us, they have been hanging out E of Hanshaw, a little less than 
halfway from Etna to Niemi, at the N edge of the first big pasture/marsh open 
area after passing Etna Road going N.  

I would LOVE to find her nest and will be trying to watch the pair.  But it 
isn’t going to be easy.  Their territory seems to go far E and W.  If anyone 
gets some information from them (a direct flight to near a conifer farther 
east, for instance?), an off-list email would be much appreciated.  

Thanks, Anne

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