What a lot of careful work, Dave. Thanks so much for continuing to 
carry out this duty so equitably and conscientiously!

Sandy Podulka

At 08:06 PM 5/30/2016, Dave Nutter wrote:
>Content-type: text/html;
>         charset="US-ASCII"
>I think I have the 2016 Cayuga Lake Basin First Records list up to date again:
>I wasn't intentionally waiting to update the list. I prefer to keep 
>it current, but it got ahead of me.
>The expected locally breeding birds are all accounted for, I 
>think.  There are still shorebirds which may show up here on their 
>way north, or we may have to wait till early July when they start 
>south again in larger numbers, lingering longer, and ranging more 
>widely. And of course there are still birds showing up which simply 
>appear to be lost, or to put it more kindly, exploring.
>Please let me know of things on the list that look wrong - people, 
>locations, dates, whatever. With this much info and so many birds 
>and birders there's a high probability I've screwed up something, or 
>at least made it appear confusing.
>I try to include names of people in parties who independently find a 
>new species on the first day. Parties are not necessarily in any 
>order, but the places are in the same order as the parties.
>In the case of Black-bellied Plover the number of observers got very 
>long when a group of a dozen Cornell students on a basin big day 
>found a bird in breeding plumage at Knox-Marsellus in mid-afternoon 
>overlapping in time with several other observers, but in the evening 
>at K-M Ann Mitchell & I found one in non-breeding plumage. So I 
>included everybody, because no single party had clear priority over 
>either bird.
>The American Golden-Plovers at K-M that same day are a slightly 
>different story. The only people who appeared to independently 
>identify them were the student group.
>The Ruff which the same group reported was not described in enough 
>detail to distinguish it from a large male Pectoral Sandpiper which 
>Jay McGowan found there that evening. If it gets accepted by eBird, 
>I will include it.
>Eastern Whip-poor-will is another odd case. Brad Walker & Jay 
>McGowan saw one in their headlights along Bald Hill Road in Danby 
>while doing a basin big day. However the location on their eBird 
>report drains into Michigan Hollow where topo lines show that valley 
>drains south to the Susquehanna, so it is out of the Cayuga Lake 
>Basin. On the other hand Jeffrey Smith reported hearing one in 
>Virgil at the very edge of the Basin but along a creek which clearly 
>does drain to Cayuga Lake. It's a pretty obvious sound, so I'm not 
>sure why it hasn't been confirmed on eBird yet.
>White-rumped Sandpiper was reported a few days earlier than shown 
>but I don't know by whom (JF are you out there?). I like to include 
>observers names, not only to give credit, but also so that there's a 
>possibility of discussing more exactly where a bird was, what it was 
>doing, and how it was identified.
>Like many great birding spots, Shindagin Hollow is just outside of 
>the basin, so Melissa Groo's Red-headed Woodpecker is simply a 
>fantastic yard bird, and Ethan Chaffee was the first to report one 
>in the now-traditional area along South Mays Point Road in Tyre. 
>There was a vague report earlier which was not accepted by eBird.
>Have a great summer. I hope to meet you out birding.
>--Dave Nutter--
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>Mail Archive
>Please submit your observations to <http://ebird.org/content/ebird/>eBird!


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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