Hi Betsy,

I'm not musically inclined, but Diane and I used an app called Cadenza to 
verify the frequency and replicate the notes you described, using a recorder. 
We believe the bird you are describing may possibly be a Mourning Dove. The 
past few mornings, they have been singing repeatedly in our neighborhood as 
well. The variable note immediately following the introductory note has not 
always been audible, making them sound like a series of E notes in succession.

Might that be your bird?

We were very impressed that you could hear this note in nature and easily 
identify it to a specific musical tone - something neither of us can do without 
the help of an app like Cadenza. :-)

Chris T-H

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 29, 2017, at 04:16, Betsy Darlington 
<darlingtonb...@gmail.com<mailto:darlingtonb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Yesterday morning and early evening, around our house and neighborhood east of 
Collegetown, I kept hearing a totally unfamiliar bird song. It was 3 to 7 or 8 
repeated, loud, clear whistles, all on the same note (E of the E string on a 
violin). Very easy to imitate, so I whistled it a few times, hoping to draw the 
bird closer, but only chickadees came near. Just once, I saw the bird zoom from 
the top of a tree to somewhere behind our house, but couldn't see what it 
looked like, except that it was about the size of a sparrow. It was back-lit, 
so it was impossible to see what color it was.
Do tufted titmice ever sing such a tune?  It was even clearer than their usual 
song, and entirely on one note. (Not much of a composer!)
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