Next Monday, May 8, will be our last regular monthly meeting of the Cayuga Bird 
Club for this semester. [Note: In June, we normally have a picnic/bird walk. 
Look for details.]
  Speaker:  Dan Ardia, Associate Professor, Franklin and MarshallCollege, 
Lancaster, PA; Dept. of Biology
 Presentation:  From PA to Africa: Chickadees in Forest Fragments & House 
Sparrows in Africa Dan will discuss two projects likely to change how you watch 
local birds. The first looks at movement and survival of Carolina chickadees in 
forest fragments in central PA. Chickadees ten to fall into two categories: 
active birds that move from feeder to feeder and less active birds that spend 
more of their time at the same feeder. The second project studies how invasive 
house sparrows spread across Africa. Two field expeditions (Kenya and Senegal) 
reveal interesting differences in which birds are at the leading edge of the 
expansion and how they differ in behavior. Expect interesting pictures and 
videos and new perspectives on two common birds.
 The meeting will be held at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Doors open 
at 7:00 pm and there will be cookies and conversation starting at 7:15. Bird 
club business begins at 7:30 pm followed by the presentation. All are 
welcome.Members are invited to join Dan Ardia for dinner at the Taste of Thai 
Express (Rt. 13N downtown) just before the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Please RSVP to 
Colleen Richards at  by noon Monday so reservations can be 
made.Have a great weekend.
Colleen Richards
Cayuga Bird Club
Corresponding Secretary
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