I found a satisfying variety of migrants and other birds early on Thursday

Stewart Park (5:30-6:20 AM)

ORCHARD ORIOLE (one immature male singing and singing from trees near
boathouse – last year an immature male and a female offered very good
viewing here into July, nesting at least until giant music festival)

YELLOW-THROATED VIREO (sang for a long time from one perch atop a tall
cottonwood at northern base of bridge to Renwick Wildwood – beautiful to
hear, somewhat satisfying to watch despite the great height)

BLACKPOLL WARBLER (several, including one male with a surprisingly yellow
bill to go with unsurprisingly yellow legs)

ALDER FLYCATCHER (heard calling – Wee Hao Ng found this bird over on the
golf course)

BALD EAGLE (immature seen flying over near waters, eastbound)

plus fine viewing of common expected species such as Blue-gray
Gnatcatchers, Eastern Kingbirds, etc.

Sapsucker Woods (6:50-7:30 AM)

BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER (one male singing from high in an oak near 91
Sapsucker Woods Road)

BLACKPOLL WARBLER (a few singing)

EASTERN BLUEBIRD (male on wire next to knoll with Tree Swallow nest boxes –
very reliable here)

ALDER FLYCATCHER (one singing in Fuller Wetlands)

WOOD DUCK (two males together on pond)

BARRED OWL (heard hooting once, apparently from the southern part of the
Severinghaus Trail loop – not seen)

Simsbury Drive (8:20 AM)

WILSON’S WARBLER (male seen singing and catching insects – a first for our

LEAST FLYCATCHER (maybe also a first for us here at home – at least I don’t
remember any precedent).

Mark Chao

PS.   The weather forecast for this weekend’s Finger Lakes Land Trust
Spring Bird Quest is less than ideal (heat on Saturday, thunderstorms on
Sunday and Monday).  I will still plan to go to the sites at the appointed
start times no matter what the weather (well, unless there is a tornado
warning or something like that).  But I will also be ready to curtail the
walks if the conditions don’t seem safe or at all enjoyable.  I am still
optimistic that we will have a good time.  If you have any questions,
please contact me.


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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