Gray, mid-afternoon: 5 Feb. 2019 ...

Daughter, Becky & I counted 4 adult bald eagles & 8 immatures. One adult 
was on the nest at the mouth of the Seneca R./canal & others were in 
trees near Mud Lock.   Immatures, except for 3 in trees,  were either 
flying or sitting on the ice with swans & ducks.

Dozens, if not several hundred swans were on the ice to the west of the 
main channel. Some were flying. Many ducks & Canadas were in the same area.

In Geneva at the Seneca Lake SP we saw 3 huge flotillas of red heads, 
all doing their usual soldierly back & forth swimming "ritual." Dare I 
estimate 1,000-2,000? Some may say more.

We saw many red-breasted & common mergansers as well as common 
golden-eye & gadwall.

Becky spotted a large, almost chunky looking, GBB size, white gull on 
the ice with ring-bills. It was all white with pink feet/legs. Bill had 
a pronounced all-black tip with no sign of black or visible gray 
anywhere on the feathers. We concluded it was a _glaucous_ gull but  you 
experienced "gullers" would have to say if it's an immature. She took 
pictures but binoculars showed better features than did her camera.

We didn't try for owls anywhere. Oh, Van Cleef Lake in Seneca Falls is 
still iced over.

Temperature was 50 deg. when we arrived in Geneva. When we left 4 hrs. 
later it was 31 deg.. What a difference a day makes. It was 65 yesterday.


Union Springs


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