The Cayuga Bird Club's March meeting is Monday, March 11. 
 Our speakers, Susan Danskin, Diane Morton, and Ken Kemphues will present: 
"Borneo: A Birding Tour of Sabah, Malaysia"
 Susan Danskin, Ken Kemphues, and Diane Morton traveled to the island of Borneo 
last summer for a birding tour in the state of Sabah, Malaysia. Borneo's unique 
geography makes it home to a high number of bird species found nowhere else in 
the world, plus an amazing diversity of plants, insects, and mammals. Our 
speakers traveled to the highlands of Mount Kinabalu, lowland rainforest 
jungles, and coastal wetlands, seeing hundreds of birds, including all eight 
species of Borneo's hornbills, edible-nest swifts in a large cave, trogons, 
sunbirds, spiderhunters, blue flycatchers, and the world's largest flower.  
Bornean Orangutans, Proboscis Monkeys, Pygmy Elephants, and Red Giant Flying 
Squirrels were among the many mammals encountered along the way. The diversity 
of life in the protected forests they visited was truly remarkable; however, 
much of Borneo's forested area is threatened by rapid expansion of palm oil 
 Diane Morton is president, Ken Kemphues the current treasurer, and Susan 
Danskin past-treasurer of the Cayuga Bird Club. All three are avid birders; 
this trip to Borneo was the first time birding in Asia for each of them. The 
meeting will be held at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Doors open at 
7:00 pm and there will be cookies and conversation starting at 7:15. Bird club 
business begins at 7:30 pm followed by the presentation. All are 
welcome.Members are invited to join Susan, Diane and Ken for dinner at the 
Taste of Thai Express (Rt. 13N downtown) before the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Please 
RSVP to Colleen Richards at  by noon Monday so reservations can 
be made.Have a great weekend.
Colleen Richards
Cayuga Bird Club
Corresponding Secretary
Popcorn Does This To Your Brain (Proof)

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