Next Monday, October 14, will be the next monthly meeting of the Cayuga Bird 
Our speaker, Bryant Dossman, will give a presentation titled "Birds Take Flight 
Over Border Wall: Linking Winter Events to Migration Timing and Speed in a 
Migratory Passerine".

Bryant is a Ph.D student at Cornell University working with Dr. Amanda Rodewald 
and Dr. Pete Marra (at the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center). He obtained his 
Masters degree in Environment and Natural Resources at the Ohio State 
University (2012-2015) working with Dr. Paul G. Rodewald and Dr. Stephen N. 
Matthews, and his Bachelors of Arts degree in Biology and Environmental Studies 
at Bowdoin College (2007-2011) under Dr. Nathaniel T. Wheelwright. Broadly, his 
research interests lie in conservation, movement ecology, and population 
biology of migratory organisms, especially birds. In particular, he is 
interested in understanding how seasonal interactions influence population 
dynamics, movement, and behavior between different periods of the annual cycle.

Given technological limitations in tracking most of the world’s migratory 
animals, our knowledge of the ecology of migration itself is severely limited. 
It is known that the quality of non-breeding habitats can result in seasonal 
interactions, or carryover effects, whereby individual survival or performance 
are impacted in subsequent breeding seasons. However, an understanding of how 
events during breeding and nonbreeding periods directly influence events during 
migration is still lacking.  Bryant’s research seeks to tackle these 
knowledge gaps, making use of a long-term demographic study of American 
Redstart (25+ years) on the non-breeding grounds in Jamaica with a proposed 
large-scale automated radio telemetry array spanning across the Caribbean and 
through Florida, overlapping the migratory route of this population of 

The meeting will be held at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology. Doors open 
at 7:00 pm and there will be cookies and conversation starting at 7:15. Bird 
club business begins at 7:30 pm followed by the presentation. All are welcome.  

 Members are invited to join Bryant for dinner at the Taste of Thai Express 
before the meeting at 5:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Colleen Richards at  by noon Monday so reservations can be made.

See you all on Monday.
Colleen Richards
Corresponding Secretary
Cayuga Bird Club
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