I know that Scarlet Tanagers use chick-burr as an alarm call, though
that may not be the only purpose of that call. Four hours of alarms
seems excessive, though I suppose there could've been a hawk or owl
snoozing nearby.
Last year when the Taughannock peregrines just fledged, they landed
pretty close to the trail and allowed fantastic eye-level views. Seems
like they had not yet learned to be afraid of humans, and possibly
yours was similar. When it flew towards the crow, perhaps it was just
a function of the prevailing wind rather than an intentional


On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 8:02 PM <t...@ottcmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> (1) Scarlet Tanager: for over 4 hours this afternoon, a female scarlet 
> tanager chick-burred continuously (at least for the 90% of the time I was 
> outside) 20-25 times/minute, while actively (and successfully) feeding and 
> resting in small trees and shrubs.  A few times I thought I might have heard 
> a second distant bird but am not certain, and no other tanager came close.
>  Why would she behave so persistently in a way that would be so attractive to 
> potential predators?  Scarlet tanagers breed here regularly but I don't 
> remember seeing/hearing this before.
> (2) Peregrine: at 7 pm this evening, a dozen barn swallows started twittering 
> loudly and persistently over a specific spot I couldn't really see, and soon 
> 7 crows noisily came in from the south in response.  At that point a juvenile 
> peregrine flew overhead with the crows close behind.  The falcon flew 
> beautifully and easily could evade them aerially, and threaten them when they 
> got too close, but eventually it landed in the top of a dead cottonwood tree. 
>  The tree was at the bottom of a 60' cliff and I happened to be watching from 
> the top, so the bird was opposite me, maybe 40' away.  At first it appeared 
> not to see me and even when it did, it showed no concern.  It stood there for 
> ~30 seconds surveying the area, back horizontal, teetering in the gusty wind, 
> and then seemed to slip sideways.  It used its wings and tail to somewhat 
> stabilize itself but then awkwardly slipped down to a slightly lower branch.  
> It lowered its head and seemed to grasp something with its beak - a toe? 
> something on the branch? - but slipped off that branch, too, and repeated the 
> exercise including the mouthing toward its feet on a third much smaller 
> branch.  When it slipped/got blown off that branch, it circled around toward 
> the crows, who had sat quietly watching all this on a second bare tree close 
> by, and the entire company flew off around the point, and so I couldn't see 
> them anymore.  The contrast between its ease in the air and its clumsiness in 
> the tree was striking.
> Ideas on what was happening?  Is the peregrine ill-suited to perching on 
> branches and the young bird was learning that?  Had it injured it's foot?  
> And why did it fly toward rather than away from the crows?
> Many thanks for your insights!  Feel free to write to me and not the entire 
> list.
> Best -
> Alicia
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