A quick reminder that the 2022 Mundinger Lecture will take place this evening 
at 5.30pm ET and you are warmly invited to attend either in person in B25 
Warren Hall or virtually using the following Zoom link:


The lecture will be given by Professor Ben Sheldon from the University of 
Oxford, and will be on the value of long-term studies in ecology.

We hope to see you there!

The Value of Long-Term Ecology: Insights from a 75-year Study of the Wytham 
Woods Great Tits

October 6, 2022 5:30 pm ET

B25, Warren Hall

The 2022 Paul C. Mundinger Distinguished Lectureship will be given by Ben 
Sheldon, Professor of Field Ornithology at the University of Oxford.

For decades, long-term population studies have enabled scientists to explore a 
wealth of ecological and evolutionary processes. One of the most influential 
has been a 75-year study of Great Tits (Parus major) in Wytham Woods, UK. From 
early scientists working with binoculars and leg bands, to modern researchers 
equipped with DNA analyses, tracking tags, and remote sensing tools, studies of 
Great Tits have yielded insight after insight. In this lecture, Professor 
Sheldon will recount some of the highlights, look at why long-term studies are 
so successful, and explore how to keep them viable for the next 75 years.

This lectureship was established in honor of the late Paul Mundinger, who 
received his Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology from Cornell University.


Sarah K Wagner (she/her)
Public Information Specialist
Cornell Lab of Ornithology


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
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